Chile. Salar de Carmen

While in Antofogasta, I visited a project called Salar de Carmen. It was designed by Mario Perez de Arce and Jaime Besa in 1959 and encompassed 850 homes. It was very much in the modernist tradition and while originally was a very striking project, has since been transformed into an unrecognizable project, almost blending in with the vernacular of the surrounding neighborhoods.

1961 and 2008

Additions and Transformations

Each of these corners were originally the same design

A typical street elevation showing the variety, transformation and progress of the fabric

Context today


bg said…
living houses. your study fascinates me.
luke w perry said…
thanks for the comment. houses are made to be lived in, right? most people associate living homes, etc, with green and sustainable stuff, (living roofs), but got to start with the people first and get it right, or at least give them room to operate.
bg said…
same thing happened here (banat, western romania) when the austrians rebuild almoust every village from scratch. If you look at those houses today(after 150-250 years) - most of them are made from earth, you can see some living typologies...
for ex:
luke w perry said…
hi bg. can you post your link again i couldn't get it to work? i think part of it was cut off. yeah, these old houses have all kinds of ranges in materials and low tech applications. it is interesting to see how people reinterpret them and sometimes lose all essence or original intent. here a lot of earth houses are actually for middle and upper class, as it has become a 'style'. i'd like to see the houses you are referencing.
bg said…
sorry, hope it will work now:

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